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An Ode To The Ocean

This piece is about finding peace in the stillness the ocean brings.

Being raised in the Western Cape meant that I took this life force for granted. Relocating to the inland Makhanda forced me to appreciate the grounding energy of the ocean that I now marvel at every chance I get. The ocean functions as my source of mental recuperation, I found that visiting the beach by myself and praying out loud to the sounds of the waves recenters both my mental and spiritual self. I hope this piece inspires you to forge positive mental health coping mechanisms and moreover to seek solace within the nature that surrounds you.

An ode to the Ocean

By the simple sight of you I can finally breath

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

You make it so easy.

Closing My Eyes I can finally Hear

Your folding waves, whether restless or timid are sounds which effectlessly own their space in my head.

By the time your sand caresses my toes I’ve already carved in.

Carved in, into the me you want me to be.

Playful. Romantic.Introspective. Meditative.

I am all these things at your beckoned.

In this moment I am Yours. Easily.

So easily I am charmed by your turquoise-hued waters, ever expanding yet ever present.

You make it so easy.

We understand each other Me And You. Our secret language you use ; always telling me that I’ve been away for far too long. Telling me to trust You. Trust That You Won’t Disappear.

Easily I Trust. You.


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Hi, I'm  Avuzwa Japhta 

I'm a multimedia student at Rhodes University. I am inspired by self-improvement content and intend to produce meaningful work. This is my portfolio website displaying my body of work. 

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