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More Than Just A Thrift Store

(Are Charity Stores Still Efficient)

Thrift stores were established as second-hand clothing stores intended to raise funds for charity organizations. The gentrification of thrift stores has seen a drastic shift and ultimately caused the commercialization of this market. The transformation of thrift stores into vintage boutiques with costly items; deviated from the primary objective which was community empowerment. The BENGAL 2021 article tackles this topic and states the negative implication of gentrification “It also takes away a portion of the low-cost clothing for those in low-income situations who truly need the lower price point.” I visited the local Makhanda thrift stores and discovered that all hope is not lost, instead, the charity shops still function as pivotal establishments in this town. On a random Monday afternoon, I found not only were the stores operating but they also had a constant influx of customers. I spoke to the Sunflower Hospice Shop manager Carl Heinz Quiesser and SPCA Shop Regge Arnold volunteer to gain insight on the overall current purpose of the stores and gauge how they are adjusting to the Lockdown regulations.

Sunflower Hospice Shop

Situated in a nook on the top of Bathurst Street, in a white building, the Sunflower Hospice Shop has been the forerunning second-hand shop in Makhanda. The store is notorious not only for the significant role it plays in the town; the profit is donated to take care of cancer and HIV-positive patients; the warm and familiar atmosphere is embodied by the shop. The atmosphere is curated by store manager Carl-Heinz Quiesser, when asked what his favourite part about his job is he recounts “I love people, we had a mom and her child come in this morning. The child wanted a toy, inexpensive. But the mom couldn’t afford to pay for it, it broke my heart. I walked away. And returned with the toy and gave it to the little child. And man, you should have just seen her face light up.”


SPCA Hospice Charity Shop

The SPCA Charity Shop, relatively new to the town has been operating for just two years. Located in High Street, a street before The GrandRes. Although pocketed in a corner building the shop did not seem to lack traction. The flag and small chalkboard placed outside the shop building stand out in this busy street, drawing in no shortage of customers. Freshly operating just before the national lockdown shutdown in 2020, the shop was able to resume working through the high demand for the function it serves in the community. This non-profit organization funds the local SPCA by offering financial funding.

The shop embraces the new normal, through adhering to the many national Covid-19 regulations, the store enforces a strict 5 person capacity limit (which consequently allows the store to monitor/ decrease the high shoplifting rate).



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Hi, I'm  Avuzwa Japhta 

I'm a multimedia student at Rhodes University. I am inspired by self-improvement content and intend to produce meaningful work. This is my portfolio website displaying my body of work. 

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