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A Day At Amazwi Museum

I took a study break with friends and we decided to go to the Amazwi Museum. The last time I went to the museum was in second-year for our Media Histories course assignment and this of course was solely for the academic purposes to learn about the exhibited literature . This time I was able to appreciate the beauty in the simplicity of the display of the pieces. Experiencing spaces through a photographic lens alters the way one sees their surroundings, I found the detail in the placement of the art appealed to me more than the actual literature. The architecture and literature letter fixtures dividing the sections in the museum translated quite beautifully on my camera. I am captivated by layered structures and textured art with various angles. You will see that most of images are taken from side angle instead of a front full view and this is something that occurs quite naturally, I tend to enter a space or view an object and gravitate towards the details within the objects particularly the edges or patterns within a space.

What Is the Amazwi Museum?

"The National English Literary Museum was founded with a small collection of South African manuscripts by the late Professor Guy Butler of Rhodes University in the 1960s. Butler had a vision of a national repository for South African literary manuscripts, and this was the genesis of the museum. The Thomas Pringle Collection for English in Africa was founded in 1972. In 1974 this became the National Documentation Centre for English. It became a Declared Cultural Institution in 1980, funded by the then Department of Education. Amazwi still maintains close links to Rhodes University."- Amazwi South African Museum Of Literature



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Hi, I'm  Avuzwa Japhta 

I'm a multimedia student at Rhodes University. I am inspired by self-improvement content and intend to produce meaningful work. This is my portfolio website displaying my body of work. 

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