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To Find A Soul A Home Film Review

As a former Journalism Television student film reviews have become one of my preferred past times. This film review however, is more than just a resonates my comments on a movie.

Watch on AFDA website.

Writer - Khanyisile Tshazibana

Director - Khanyisile Tshazibana

I typed the mental health awareness South Africa in the YouTube search engine and amidst the hundreds of results the title “Gqeberha students make a film to create awareness about mental illness” appeared onSABC News. This title was heaven sent for a filmophile like myself; discovering a theatrical exploration of mental health issues through the African voice encapsulated the essence this project. The NOTYOUR MOTHERS PRODUCTIONS film is inspired by a tragic real-life story of “a neighbor tried to burn herself because she felt misunderstood by her family; she suffered from schizophrenia for years.” (SABC News)

The film opens with a sequence of incense; beating of African drums and bible; all which fade into an image of the protagonist Ndima. These images foreshadow significant mediums that the protagonist seeks redemption for her mental turmoil. The film portrays the role African spirituality and religion plays in black communities as the fundamental structures of emotional wellness. Healthline Perspective article Black Mental Health and the Power of Ritual delves into the extensive history of religious and spiritual customs as a cornerstone of strength for black communities; “For many Black people, and certainly for those past, total wellness depends on the roles and rituals of spiritual practice. This means that spiritual wellness is inextricably linked to mental wellness — the two practices work in tandem, not separately.” (Healthline)

Mental health illnesses are gravely stigmatized within black communities; this is because it’s often been regarded as Eurocentric troubles that do not relate nor affect POC. This perspective has been fueled by the notion that blackness symbolizes strength and addressing mental health issues is regrettably perceived as a weakness. The lack of information and language about mental health awareness has resulted in condemnation by black communities of the mentally ill.

The film propels the audience to connect with the protagonist by centering the performance on her internal conflicting thoughts. Focalizing on her thoughts places the audience within the mind of someone who has no control of their taunting thoughts. The simplicity of the cinematography of the film places the emotions at the forefront of the narrative instead of an overpowering the story.

The impactful nature of the film is further grounded in the fact it does not attempt to resolve the narrative of the protagonist but instead captures the truth of mental health issues.

This film embodies the narrative that inspired the conversations I wanted to engage in my capstone project.



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Hi, I'm  Avuzwa Japhta 

I'm a multimedia student at Rhodes University. I am inspired by self-improvement content and intend to produce meaningful work. This is my portfolio website displaying my body of work. 

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