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2017 The Year That Should not have Been.

This is a story about the woman who carried me through a dark time. I hadn't realized how important the relationships with the people in my life were until I needed them the most. This story is more than just about a tragedy but rather an appreciation for the love and relentless support I receive from my family.

“No matter where you are in life, inspire and empower women around you. Success is never reached alone. And, wisdom and wealth are sweeter shared." - Mizzfit

2017 AND What was happening in the World.

In constructing this assignment, I quickly realized that I need to take a lot more images with the people I live with, i.e., my family. My camera roll is filled with selfies (shamelessly). Selfies with friends and of course images of the sky because why not. So instead, I had to sift through my google drive and lo and behold a blurry image of the family, but an image nonetheless!

We tend to capture moments with those dearests to us only during times of complete bliss or complete sadness, never the in-between moments. This image embodies both sentiments. The date is 2017, December, it has been the most heartbreaking and completely earth-shattering past couple of months in my life. (For my entire family) The sudden passing of my older brother (a memory that still evokes a bitter taste in my mouth and knots in my stomach) propelled our lives into a world of darkness, a darkness that I am constantly learning to navigate. One of the first attempts at navigating this moment was an impromptu 19th birthday celebration dinner organized by my mother. This dinner was less about a celebration but a thanksgiving to our tribe of friends and family who rallied around us during our time of loss. Although this image only shows a fraction of those in attendance, I feel it is a glimpse at the woman who remain my pillars of strength (self-inclusive) [front]

Rewind to 20th January 2017, across the pond, the first of many tragedies of the year. The inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America. A moment in history that completely crippled the world, sending many of us into a complete panic over the destined future. My distinct reaction to this moment was “America How Could You!” followed by countless debates about the effects of this election on our country as traders with the USA. What never dawned on me is the almost cosmic shift that was occurring, not in the universe, but more importantly my universe. Because unfortunately like many international world events, the moment passes and we adjust to the new normal. Yes, that’s it, this piece is about adjusting or at least attempting to adjust.

This moment in my life is about adjusting to the drastic changes in my life because this image ironically also captures the final supper before entering university and relocating to Makhanda. Many speeches of that evening spoke to this new chapter, encouragement to remain rooted in the beliefs imparted by my family. Similar to America, I was going to face many more life challenges which would demand constant reinvention.


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Hi, I'm  Avuzwa Japhta 

I'm a multimedia student at Rhodes University. I am inspired by self-improvement content and intend to produce meaningful work. This is my portfolio website displaying my body of work. 

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