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Busi's First Concert Experience Story

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Due to the trying times we're currently experiencing I thought it would be best to reminisce on the the simpler time pre-Covid and what better way than revisiting our first concert experiences. spoke to Busiswe William an advent concert-goer about her first time at a concert. And quite ironically because of the times we're living in I had to conduct this conversation via voice notes, initially I thought this would not be pose as a problem of course I was wrong. Conducting a virtual audio is quite limiting and requires patience from both myself and the interviewee. Trying to create a sound-rich interview from voice notes was particularly challenging. Because I wanted to curate a personal experience I didn't want to relay on loyalty-free sound effects, so I opted to ask Busiswe to enter her archives for the live recordings from the concert. This too became tricky because the concert was in 2013 Busiswe struggled to find her recordings however, thankfully there are many concerts that she's attended we were able to source from her other Justin Bieber concerts. These recordings enhanced the interview because they were able to transport the listener to the live experience.

This interview although posed challenges the final product reminded me of how rewarding it is to produce something regardless of the magnitude of the content.


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Hi, I'm  Avuzwa Japhta 

I'm a multimedia student at Rhodes University. I am inspired by self-improvement content and intend to produce meaningful work. This is my portfolio website displaying my body of work. 

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