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Body Talk

A video about body polices.


PSA on Maintaining a Positive Mental Health routine during Lockdown

This piece explores creating positive habits that promote a balanced mental health during lockdown. The video is meant to serve as a How To Guide to Mental Health Awareness and illustrates the simple activities one can instill in their daily routines even a post lockdown context. This piece ties into the overall themes of my capstone project.

Watch video below.


Archival Piece on Femicide In South Africa

This piece is important to me because it contextualizes a topic that I am immensely passionate about. Femicide / Gender Based Violence are prevalent social issues in South Africa and frame many of the greater cultural issues we have. Unsurprisingly GBV can be linked to mental health issues as its effects are wide reaching. The brutal murders of women in this country continue to plaguing our daily realities.

Watch video below.

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Hi, I'm  Avuzwa Japhta 

I'm a multimedia student at Rhodes University. I am inspired by self-improvement content and intend to produce meaningful work. This is my portfolio website displaying my body of work. 

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